The Tree Plantation Campaign
SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surabaya Receives Idym Foundation Support - Idym Foundation is a foundation in India that focuses on activities about space and earth. This foundation empowers the minds of the young generation to unlock hidden talents and potentials, empowers imagination, instills independence, and how the younger generation is reliable in achieving their positive goals.
The Igniting Dreams Of Young Minds Foundation is an educational platform for every young soul aimed at the entire community of students from any schools and colleges around the world.
Roro, as he is familiarly called, is a teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surabaya and a member of this foundation, said that on June 5, 2021, IDYM foundation held The Tree Plantation Campaign. This activity was attended by more than 350 teachers and students from all over the world.
"Five of the participants are students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surabaya," said Roro.
IDYM Foundation appreciates the participation of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surabaya as evidenced by photos and videos of student activities during tree planting campaigns around the world. The environment is very important for the survival of all living things. Because if the environment does not exist, then humans, animals, and plants cannot survive longer.
According to Ravishankar Kumar as the founder of the foundation stated, "This activity was held because trees are life saviors. Not only do they provide us with oxygen, but also provide various medicinal extracts that treat various diseases," he said.
With the theme “Plant Trees, Save Trees” this World Environment Day, let's plant young trees in our gardens or neighborhoods and contribute to a greener and pollution-free environment while working together to restore our ecosystem.

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